
Join our whānau on an exciting journey to reclaim your health, fitness and confidence.
This fitness program is our introduction to Squad Nation. It will help you achieve conditioning and strengthening, all supported and joined by an amazing community of like-minded people.
Kia ngātahi haere te hikoi.
We are on this journey together.
6:00am Mon – Fri
Strength & Conditioning
Online, Facebook
What’s Included…
Part 1:
- 3 weeks video-coached lessons that break down each movement into simple steps
- You can choose your own level for each movement
- Learn the correct techniques and our jargon
- Do 2 easy moves per day on each 15 minute video
- Set goals for yourself
Part 2:
- 6 weeks coached training
- Mindset coach
- Physical coach
- Recorded so you can do at your own time/pace
- Private community
- Wellbeing checks
- Weekly calendar posted in FB group
- Weekly wero (challenges) posted FB group
Working out isn’t just about losing weight—not for us anyway. Working out and training online, at the gym, at home, wherever, is about bringing healthy behaviours, habits, mindsets, and spirits into our lives—ON PURPOSE.
There comes a time when you have to stop letting shit happen to you and just embrace that YOU are in charge. That YOU CAN take charge, and that together WE CAN do hard things.
If you found yourself here, then we can assume that we have something in common. We know what it looks and feels like to put ourselves last. We can stop doing that now, and we can do it together.
Come jam with us… we got you!
Join with confidence
Money-back Guarantee
Class Schedule
Monday Mayhem
06:00am - 06:30am
Recorded Class:
Available Anytime
06:00am - 06:45am
Recorded Class:
Available Anytime
Mobility & Flexibility
06:00am - 06:45am
Recorded Class:
Available Anytime
06:00am - 06:45am
Recorded Class:
Available Anytime
Te Wero
06:00am - 06:30am
Recorded Class:
Available Anytime